Cambodia’s Textile and Apparel Industry

The Successful Evolution of Cambodia’s Textile and Apparel Industry

The textile and apparel industry in Cambodia has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past few decades, becoming one of the key drivers of the country’s economy. From humble beginnings, this sector has evolved into a thriving industry that plays a vital role in Cambodia’s economic growth and employment landscape. The success story of Cambodia’s textile and apparel industry is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the country’s workforce and the strategic efforts of both the government and international stakeholders.

Historical Background

The foundation of Cambodia’s textile and apparel industry can be traced back to the early 1990s, following the country’s recovery from decades of civil war and instability. During this period, the Cambodian government, with support from international organizations, sought to rebuild the nation’s economy by attracting foreign investment and integrating into the global market. The textile and apparel sector, which requires relatively low capital investment and offers high labor intensity, emerged as an ideal industry to kickstart economic growth.

In 1999, Cambodia gained Most Favored Nation (MFN) status from the United States and entered the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), allowing Cambodian products to enjoy preferential access to major markets. These trade agreements played a crucial role in attracting foreign investment, particularly from Asian countries like China, South Korea, and Taiwan, leading to the rapid expansion of the textile and apparel industry.

Growth and Expansion

The early 2000s marked a period of rapid growth for Cambodia’s textile and apparel sector. The industry became a magnet for foreign direct investment (FDI), with international companies setting up manufacturing operations to take advantage of Cambodia’s competitive labor costs and favorable trade conditions. By 2005, the industry had become the largest contributor to Cambodia’s export earnings, accounting for more than 80% of total exports.

The industry’s success can be attributed to several factors. First, Cambodia’s relatively low labor costs made it an attractive destination for apparel manufacturing, especially for labor-intensive operations such as garment assembly. Second, the government’s pro-business policies, including tax incentives and the establishment of Special Economic Zones (SEZs), created a conducive environment for foreign investors.

Moreover, Cambodia’s strategic location in Southeast Asia, with proximity to major markets like China and India, further boosted its appeal as a manufacturing hub. The country’s access to key shipping routes enabled efficient distribution of products to global markets, making it an integral part of the global textile supply chain.

Challenges and Resilience

Despite its impressive growth, Cambodia’s textile and apparel industry has faced several challenges. One of the major issues has been the dependence on low-wage labor, which has led to concerns about working conditions and labor rights. In response to international pressure and to ensure sustainable growth, Cambodia has made efforts to improve labor standards and working conditions in the industry. The government, in collaboration with international organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO), launched initiatives like the Better Factories Cambodia program, which monitors and improves labor standards in the industry.

Another challenge has been the industry’s vulnerability to global economic fluctuations. The 2008 global financial crisis, for example, led to a decline in demand for apparel, impacting Cambodia’s export earnings. However, the industry demonstrated resilience by diversifying its markets and expanding into new regions, including the European Union, Japan, and Canada.

Moving Towards Sustainability

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainability within Cambodia’s textile and apparel industry. Global consumers are increasingly demanding ethically produced and environmentally friendly products, pushing manufacturers to adopt sustainable practices. Cambodian factories have started to invest in energy-efficient technologies, waste reduction, and eco-friendly materials to meet these demands.

Furthermore, the industry is gradually moving up the value chain by enhancing skills development and investing in advanced manufacturing technologies. Initiatives to improve the quality of education and vocational training in textiles and apparel are underway, aiming to equip the workforce with the skills needed for higher-value-added production processes.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, the future of Cambodia’s textile and apparel industry appears promising. The sector is expected to continue playing a crucial role in the country’s economic development, contributing to job creation and poverty reduction. However, the industry must navigate challenges such as increasing competition from neighboring countries, rising labor costs, and the need to continuously improve labor standards and environmental sustainability.

To remain competitive, Cambodia will need to focus on innovation, diversification, and improving productivity. Strengthening the industry’s capabilities in design, branding, and marketing will also be key to capturing more value in the global supply chain.


The evolution of Cambodia’s textile and apparel industry is a success story of growth, resilience, and adaptation. From its modest beginnings, the industry has grown into a cornerstone of the national economy, providing employment to millions and contributing significantly to the country’s export earnings. As Cambodia continues to evolve, the textile and apparel sector will undoubtedly play a central role in shaping the country’s economic future.